Error Messages
Fixed disk failure Turn off the computer, wait
5 seconds, and turn the com-
puter on again, or press the
Ctrl-Alt-Del keys to reboot
the system. If that does not
work, run the DIAG program
to check the hard disk drive
as described in Appendix D,
then contact your Texas
Instruments reseller.
Fixed disk read failure - Defective working diskette or
press F1 to retry hard disk - Boot the system
boot again. If that does not work,
replace the floppy. Run the
DIAG program to check
drives as described in Appen-
dix D. If the hard disk drive
is at fault, contact your
Texas Instruments reseller.
Invalid Configuration Wrong configuration settings
Information - Check the settings on the
-Press Enter to run Setup Program menus, par-
Set_Up. ticularly Memory category
-Press the F1 key to selections (Unused must
continue. equal 0) and number of Dis-
kette drives (see Chapter 4 to
run Setup Program).
Keyboard clock/data Defective keyboard or exter-
line failure nal keyboard connector -
Make sure your external key-
board is connected correctly;
if it is, the problem could be
keyboard failure. Contact
your Texas Instruments
Troubleshooting E-7