Computer in automatic power-
saving mode-Press Shift
key to turn on display. if
Power indicator is orange,
press Fn-F4 (Stndby) keys to
resume operation.
None of the above-Screen
power unit may be faulty.
Contact your Texas
Instruments reseller.
When using a mouse, Setup Program Backlight Off
the built-in LCD screen set to N minutes- Set Back-
goes blank after a few light Off item to Always On
minutes. to prevent LCD from blank-
ing because of keyboard
LCD screen backlight Display unit turned off be-
does not light, even cause of keyboard inactivity
when brightness con- (see "The Setup Program- in
trol fully turned up. Chapter 4 of this manual)-
Press the Shift key to turn
backlight on again.
In Standby mode--if Power
indicator is orange, unit is in
Standby mode; press the
Fn-F4 keys to turn off
Standby mode.
None of the above-Screen power
unit may be faulty.
Contact your Texas
Instruments reseller.
Troubleshooting E-3