System Options, Page 1
4. Check that the Unused item equals 0 (zero). If not repeat steps 2 and 3
as necessary.
Note: Do not exit the Setup Program with the Unused item showing any value except 0.
Allocate memory to the other memory item until Unused equals 0; otherwise, the
computer will report an error condition the next time you try to start it.
When you start (boot or reboot) the TravelMate 3000, the Setup Program checks the total
memory available. If your settings exceed total available memory, the computer displays
an error message the next time it boots, asking you to run the "SET_UP" program. Press
the F1 key, follow the prompts, and check your memory settings.
Diskette Drives
The Diskette category enables you to select the type of floppy in use. The settings
available are 5.25" 360 KB, 5.25" 1.2 MB, 3.5" 720 KB, and 3.5" 1.44 MB or Not
Diskette A
This item specifies the standard floppy drive (drive A) installed in your computer. Set
Diskette A to 3.5" 1.44 MB (the factory default) unless you are using an external drive you
want to address as drive A that requires a different setting.
Diskette B
Set this item to Not Installed unless you have an external floppy drive connected to your
computer. Then set this item to match the external drive, and address the external drive
as drive B. The default is Not Installed.
Customizing Your Computer 4-9