Memory Device Drivers
if you need to specify special conditions for the use of the high-memory area, use the
command in the following form:
/HMAMIN=h h is the minimum amount of memory required by a
TSR program or device driver to be loaded into HAM
specify the amount of memory in kilobytes. Programs
requiring less space will not be placed in the HMA.
The minimum value is 0, the maximum is 63 KB, and
the default is 0. A zero default value allows "first
come-first served' access to the HMA. Use this option
when you run two or more TSR programs and/or
device drivers that require use of the HMA.
/NUMHANDLES=n n is the maximum number of EMB (Extended Memory
Block) handles, the possible range is I to 128, and the
default is 32. Each additional handle requires an
additional 6 bytes of standard memory. Use this
option only when applications specifically require it.
/M: 1 For Windows 3.0 only: use only if you must retain
EMM.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file for use by
another application program.
Configuring Memory F-15