Guidelines for Installing Application
The standard TravelMate 3000 has 2 MB of memory, 640 KB of system memory plus
1280 KB Extended/Expanded memory. You can add 2 or 4 MB of additional optional
memory to your TravelMate 3000 that can be configured either as Extended memory or
LIM EMS (expanded) memory. See Appendix F for details on these two types of memory.
If your application program requires additions or changes to the TravelMate 3000's
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files-as suggested several times in this and other
chapters of this manual-carefully consider the consequences that may result from changes
or deletions to these two files. The factory-installed (default) files are listed and described
in the following two sections.
Please read and understand these two files before you change them. See the MS-DOS
User's Manual furnished with your TravelMate 3000 for more details on constructing
these files and their significance.
Note: If you need to restore the default AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to
your hard disk, they are included on the BatteryPro & Productivity Software floppy
furnished with your computer.
5-4 Application Programs