Accessing the Setup Program
Pressing the F2 (Sys Info) key displays an informational screen listing the computer's
firmware version numbers, coprocessor type (if installed), port addresses (in
hexadecimal), and option ROM data. (Also refer to the DATES utility described in the
BatteryPro & Productivity Software User's Manual for similar information.)
Exiting the Setup Program
When you have completed your Setup Program settings, press the Esc key. The system
then displays a menu prompting you for one of the following choices:
q Press the Esc key to erase the exit menu and remain in the Setup
q Press the F4 key to save your settings and exit the Setup Program. The
computer will restart.
q Press the F5 key to set all items to the factory default and remain in the
Setup Program. This also automatically sets the Hard Disk type in the
Setup Program to the type of hard disk installed in your computer.
q Press the F6 key to discard any changes you may have made and return
to MS-DOS without updating. The ROM-based Setup Program will
restart the computer when you press the F6 key.
Each item on the three Setup Program menus is described on the following pages.
Customizing Your Computer 4-5