Page 1 - 2 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
How to Use this Document
This document has been arranged to get the printer set up on your
network quickly and with minimum reading.
1. Before connecting network cabling to the Document Centre
device, perform the procedure contained in this document
entitled How to Connect to Ethernet / Token Ring
2. For Dynamic TCP/IP addressing refer to the section entitled
Dynamic/Static IP Addresses and WINS.
3. Review the Table of Contents in this document. Find the
network operating system (NOS) or protocol, which pertains
to your network.
4. Go to the page indicated and perform the procedure(s).
5. Once you are finished it is recommended you print a test page.
6. Check the print job for print quality. If print quality problems
exist, use the Problem Solving section of the Reference
Guide to correct the problem.
7. If your print job DID NOT print, see the Troubleshooting
section for your operating system in this document to correct
the problem.
8. Once your Document Centre is installed and printing, you can
repeat these steps to enable your printer to print with
additional protocols or network operating systems.
For detailed safety information about this product refer to the
Document Centre Reference Guide.