
Page 20 - 4 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
What to Do Next
To complete the setup of the Document Centre and your network to
enable scanning, perform the following steps.
1. Review the information in the Scanning Overview section of
this chapter. Read the entire overview, including the Overview
of Repositories.
2. Refer to the appropriate section of this guide. Choose from:
Set Up Scanning - NetWare. NCP (NetWare Core Proto-
col) is available for Ethernet and Token Ring filing to a Net-
Ware server.
Set Up Scanning - FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is
available for Ethernet and Token Ring (if installed) and
requires an FTP server running on a server or a workstation.
3. OPTIONAL: If you are using Xerox CentreWare Internet
Services to perform network scanning, refer to the Internet
Services Guide.