Page 20 - 34 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Installation Considerations
Filing Policy
• An advantage of the Overwrite policy is that minimal disk
space is required since files are deleted and recreated for each
scan job. This makes it ideal for users with their own file
space allocation.
• A disadvantage of the Overwrite policy is that with a shared
document repository, users will overwrite other users’ files,
possibly before the file is retrieved by the user.
• An advantage of the Append policy is that no data is lost
because users share a document repository.
• A disadvantage of the Append policy is that disk space may
quickly be consumed if not managed properly. This is espe-
cially true when each user has his or her own file space.
• An advantage of the New Exact policy is that it checks to see
if any files already exist in the document repository. If there
are no files in the repository, the newly scanned files are sent to
• A disadvantage of the New Exact policy is that if there are
files stored in the repository, the scan job is aborted.
• An advantage of the New Auto Generate policy is that it cre-
ates a new directory structure, based on the time and date of
creation, into which the images are filed.
• A disadvantage of the New Auto Generate policy is that while
this may seem like the safest policy choice, it also requires
more disk space than the Overwrite policy.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
• If you are using the OCR capabilities of Visioneer PaperPort
and TextBridge, it is recommended that you use the Text image
quality selection and the highest resolution possible. This will
ensure optimum OCR capabilities.