Page 20 - 32 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
names of the TIFF files scanned with the last scanning
operation. This file is updated after every successful
storage of a .TIF file.
NEXTNAME.DAT is an ASCII file which contains the
name of the next available .TIF file. This name is
controlled and incremented based on the Filing Policy
specified in the job template.
NETSCAN.XST contains the template information for
the last file that was scanned. It is also used as a job log
for status and a source for the post-processing of
XSMDESC.DAT is an ASCII file containing the
document name (0-50 characters).
K. At this point, the TIFF file can be imported into any software
application that can accept TIFF files.
L. Scanning is now ready to operate. Subsequent scanning
operations can be modified by changing the selections in the
Default Template using the Document Centre Touch Screen.
The installation process is now complete.
Hints and Tips
1. Prior to performing the initial scan job, verify the following from
a workstation on the network by logging into the scan account
and copying a file into the scan repository:
• The Document Centre user account and password are cor-
• The correct rights to the document repository have been
assigned to the Document Centre.
Also, make sure that the Confirmation Sheet option is enabled.
This provides details of each scan job, including status, filing
location, Filing Policy and scan settings. Enabling the
Confirmation Sheet is part of the set up procedure detailed in the
Set Up Scanning - NetWare and Set Up Scanning - FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) chapters of this guide.
2. You can confirm that a scan job was successfully completed by
verifying that the number of pages scanned is the same as the