Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 13 - 7
13. OS/2 (NetBEUI)
13. OS/2 (NetBEUI)
3. Install a new printer driver.
a) Insert CentreWare CD into your CD-ROM drive.
b) Make a /desktop/drivers directory from an OS/2
c) Copy the driver files from the CD-ROM disk to the
/desktop/drivers directory.
d) Click the Install new printer driver... button.
e) Select Other OS/2 printer driver.
f) Enter the correct directory in the appropriate field.
g) Click the Refresh button.
h) Click the Install button after you see the driver
description appear.
i) Click the OK button to confirm that the driver has been
4. Highlight the OS/2 driver in the Default printer driver
window and click the Create button.
5. Close the Printers window.
6. You are now ready to print to the local queue created in step
7. Print a test job.
8. Check your test job for quality and use the problem solving
section of the Document Centre Reference Guide for
resolving print defects.
9. If your print job does not print, refer to the Troubleshooting
section in this document to correct the problem.