
World Clocks
You can add clocks to show the time in other major cities and time zones around
the world.
View clocks: Tap World Clock.
If the clock face is white, it’s daytime in that city. If the clock face is black, it’s nighttime.
If you have more than four clocks, ick to scroll through them.
Add a clock:
1 Tap World Clock.
2 Tap , then type the name of a city.
Cities matching what you’ve typed appear below.
3 Tap a city to add a clock for that city.
If you don’t see the city you’re looking for, try a major city in the same time zone.
Delete a clock: Tap World Clock and tap Edit. Then tap next to a clock and tap Delete.
Rearrange clocks: Tap World Clock and tap Edit. Then drag next to a clock to a
new place in the list.