network 22, 23, 63
status icon 17
playlists 99
text 39
text conversations 109
text using VoiceOver 237
videos 12 8
eects sounds, turning on or o 191
emergency calls 67
Emoji 251
ending calls 46
enterprise, using iPhone in 259
ePub books 224
equalizer 210
erasing data 26, 50, 196, 201
network 22, 23, 63
status icon 17
Exchange. See Microsoft Exchange
exposure 12 7
external keyboards 40
facemarks 251
about 65
calling someone you've texted 11 0
in contact information 216
restricting 197
saving as favorite 70
settings 206
turning on or o 206
calling a contact from 60, 70
managing 70
sending text messages 108
Fetch New Data 203
le formats, supported 79
le sharing 56
Find My iPhone 26, 51
ash settings for Camera 127
focus 12 7
folders, Home screen 33
force quit an app 30, 51, 254
date, time, and telephone number 200
forwarding messages 82
GAL (Global Address List) 81, 214
Game Center
about 181
account information 186
achievements 184
downloading games 182
friends 185
inviting friends 183
leaderboards 184
playing games 183
recently played games 185
restricting friend requests 198
restricting multiplayer games 198
setting up 181
status information 186
Genius Mixes 92, 98
Genius playlists 58, 94, 98
App Store 176
iTunes Store 167
gestures, VoiceOver 232
getting help 258
getting started 19
Google 148
Contacts 55
searching the web 88
network 22, 23, 63
status icon 17
GPS 13 9
grab points 40
HAC 247
hands-free phone calls 63, 19 4
hard pause 61, 215
hardware keyboards 40
HD video 102, 121, 17 0
HDMI cable 103, 121
HDR photos 12 6, 211
center button 127, 13 0, 161
using with Voice Memos 160
See also earphones
headset button. See mic button
hearing aid compatibility 247
help, getting 258
high-denition (HD) video 102, 121, 17 0
hold, putting calls on 63
Home screen 12, 29
adding web clips 90
customizing 33
folders 33
wallpaper 36, 12 4, 192
Home Sharing 104
hybrid view 141
about 223
brightness 226