App Store
About the App Store
You can search for, browse, review, purchase, and download apps from the App
Store directly to iPhone. Apps that you download and install from the App Store
on iPhone are backed up to your iTunes library the next time you sync iPhone with
your computer. When you sync iPhone, you can also install apps you’ve purchased or
downloaded from the iTunes Store on your computer.
Note: The App Store may not be available in all countries or regions, and App Store
content may vary by country or region. Features are subject to change.
To browse the App Store, iPhone must be connected to the Internet. See “Connecting
to the Internet” on page 22. To download apps, you also need an Apple ID (may not
be available in all countries or regions). By default, iPhone gets your Apple ID settings
from iTunes. If you don’t have an Apple ID, or if you want to make purchases using
another Apple ID, go to Settings > Store. See “Store” on page 212 .