
Türkiye: EEE yönetmeliğine (Elektrikli ve Elektronik Eşyalarda Bazı Zararlı Maddelerin
Kullanımının Sınırlandırılmasına Dair Yönetmelik) uygundur.
Brazil—Disposal Information:
Brasil—Informações sobre descarte e reciclagem: O símbolo indica que este produto
e/ou sua bateria não devem ser descartadas no lixo doméstico. Quando decidir
descartar este produto e/ou sua bateria, faça-o de acordo com as leis e diretrizes
ambientais locais. Para informações sobre o programa de reciclagem da Apple, pontos
de coleta e telefone de informações, visite www.apple.com/br/environment.
Apple and the Environment
At Apple, we recognize our responsibility to minimize the environmental impacts
of our operations and products. For more information, go to:
iPhone Operating Temperature
If the interior temperature of iPhone exceeds normal operating temperatures, you may
experience the following as it attempts to regulate its temperature:
iPhone stops charging Â
the screen dims Â
the cellular signal is weak Â
a temperature warning screen appears Â
Important: You cannot use iPhone while the temperature warning screen is displayed,
except to make an emergency call. If iPhone can’t regulate its internal temperature, it
goes into deep sleep mode until it cools. You cannot make an emergency call when
iPhone is in this mode. Move iPhone to a cooler location and wait a few minutes
before trying to use iPhone again.
Appendix B Support and Other Information