creating in MobileMe 26
creating in Store settings 212
Apple TV 89, 93, 102, 121, 131
Apple Wireless Keyboard 40, 231
deleting 179
force quitting 30, 51, 254
opening 29
overview 14
removing from recents list 30
restricting deletion 197
switching between 30
viewing recent 29
attachments, email 79
alternate language 101
mono 244
audiobooks, syncing 53
Auto-Brightness 191
AutoFill 88, 208
auto-lock, setting time for 195
AV cables 103, 121
backing up iPhone 55
creating 255
removing 256
restoring from 257
charging 48
low on power 49
maximizing life 49
replacing 49, 259
status icon 18
birthdays, viewing in Calendar 11 2
car kit 47, 19 4, 256
nding address 192
headset 161, 256
pairing devices 47
status 48
status icon 18
turning on or o 194
unpairing device 48
using with Phone 63
map locations 145
webpages 89
YouTube videos 130, 131
bookmarks, syncing 53, 56, 89
accessibility 227
annotating 225
brightness 226
dening words 227
nding 224
iBooks 223
purchasing 224
reading 225, 226
searching 227
syncing 53, 224
text size 226
braille, display using VoiceOver 242
adjusting 191
iBooks 226
setting to adjust automatically 191
browse buttons, changing 105
browser cache, clearing 209
album artwork 96
App Store 176
iTunes Store 166
YouTube videos 12 9
business, using iPhone 259
businesses, nding 144
cable, Dock Connector to USB 11, 21
Component AV cable 89, 102, 121, 131
Composite AV cable 89, 102, 121, 131
Digital AV Adapter 89, 102, 121, 131
VGA Adapter 89, 102, 131
cache, clearing browser 209
scientic 155
standard 15 4
CalDAV 111
about 111
adding an event 11 3
birthdays 11 2
CalDAV 111
deleting an event 11 4
importing .ics les from email 116
searching 11 3
updating an event 11 4
views 11 2
calendars, syncing 53, 55, 111
calibrating Nike + iPod 222
call forwarding
setting up 70
settings 206
status icon 17
call options 63
call waiting
turning on or o 71
call waiting, turning on or o 206
caller ID
turning on or o 71, 206