Three-nger double-tap: Mute or unmute VoiceOver.
 Three-nger triple-tap: Turn the screen curtain on or o.
Rotor Control
The rotor control is a virtual dial that you can use to change the results of up and
down ick gestures when VoiceOver is turned on.
Operate the rotor: Rotate two ngers on the iPhone screen to “turn” the dial to
choose between options.
The current setting appears on the screen and is spoken aloud.
The eect of the rotor depends on what you’re doing. For example, if you’re reading
text in an email you received, you can use the rotor to switch between hearing text
spoken word-by-word or character-by-character when you ick up or down. If you’re
browsing a webpage, you can use the rotor setting to hear all the text (either word-by-
word or character-by-character), or to jump from one element to another of a certain
type, such as headers or links.
The following lists show the available rotor options, depending on the context of what
you’re doing.
Reading text
Select and hear text by:
Character Â
Word Â
Line Â
Browsing a webpage
Select and hear text by:
Character Â
Word Â
Line Â
Heading Â
Link Â
Visited link Â
Non-visited link Â
In-page link Â
Chapter 29 Accessibility