
International Keyboards
International keyboards allow you to enter text in many dierent languages, including
Asian languages and languages that are written from right to left.
Adding Keyboards
You enter dierent languages on iPhone by using dierent keyboards. By default, only
the keyboard for the language you set for iPhone (in International settings) is available.
To make keyboards for other languages available, use Keyboard settings.
Add a keyboard:
1 In Settings, choose General > Keyboard > International Keyboards.
The number before the arrow shows the number of keyboards currently enabled.
2 Tap Add New Keyboard, then choose a keyboard from the list.
Repeat to add more keyboards. Some languages have multiple keyboards available.
For a list of supported iPhone keyboards, go to www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html.
Edit your keyboard list: Choose General > Keyboard > International Keyboards, then
tap Edit and do one of the following:
 To delete a keyboard, tap , then tap Delete.
 To reorder the list, drag next to a keyboard to a new place in the list.