previewing 17 0
purchasing 17 0
searching 97
syncing 53, 56
See also iPod
music videos, syncing 53
muting a call 63, 66
navigating. See panning, scrolling
network activity status icon 17
networks 189
Nike + iPod
activating 219
calibrating 222
linking a sensor 220
sending workouts to nikeplus.com 221
settings 212, 222
working out with 220
nikeplus.com 221
north, true and magnetic 157
Notes 149
searching 15 0
syncing 53, 14 8
NTSC 211
Numbers les 79
numeric keypad
adding a contact from 215
dialing manually 60, 245
displaying by default with VoiceOver 237
entering information during a call 63
making an emergency call 67
pasting a number to 61
On/O Sleep/Wake switch 12, 12 7
opening apps 29
orientation, changing 85
Outlook Express. See Windows Address Book
Outlook. See Microsoft Outlook
overview, iPhone apps 14
Pages les 79
pairing with Bluetooth headset 47
PAL 211
maps 13 8
webpages 86
parental controls. See Restrictions
passcode 195
password, changing voicemail 207
images 12 2
photos and videos in MMS messages 108
text 39
pause, while dialing 61, 215
pausing songs and videos 46
PC system requirements 19
emailing 227
printing 89, 227
reading in iBooks 226
syncing 224
viewing in Mail 79
Personal Hotspot 24
phone network name 192
adding and editing contacts 215
adding calls 63
answering calls 46, 62
call waiting 71, 206
caller ID 71
calling internationally 73
calling someone you’ve texted 11 0
carrier services 207
changing voicemail password 207
conference calls 64
declining calls 46, 62
emergency calls 67
ending calls 46, 63
FaceTime video calls 65, 197
forwarding calls 70, 206
hands-free 63
locking SIM card 207
making calls 60
merging calls 64
missed calls 68
muting calls 63, 66
putting calls on hold 63
ring mode 72
second calls 64
setting up voicemail 68
settings 206
silencing calls 62
silent mode 72
switching between calls 46, 64
turning caller ID on or o 206
turning on vibrate 72
unpairing Bluetooth device 48
using Bluetooth devices 63
using favorites 70
using speakerphone 63
using TTY machine 206
video calls 197, 206
voice dialing 61
voicemail 68
voicemail alerts 68
photo albums 12 0
assigning to contacts 12 4
emailing 12 2