30 Your Personal Phone Book
To choose a sort order
1. Scroll to
Phone Book
, YES,
, YES,
Sort Order
, YES.
2. Select a sort order.
To call a number saved in the phone book
1. Scroll to
Phone Book
, YES,
Find and Call
, YES.
2. Enter the position number or the name (or the first few letters of the name)
linked with the number that you want to call.
3. Press
If the name displayed is notthe one youwant, press
u or d until you
find the correct name and number.
4. Press
YES to make the call.
Tip! A quicker way to enter the Find and Call function is to press
and hold
Shortcuts to Phone Book Entries
When in standby,you can find an entry by:
• entering the position number followed by #.
• pressing and holding one of the keys 2-9 to find anentry beginning with a
specific letter.
For example, pressing and holding 2 takes you to the first entry beginning
with the letter A (or closest following).
Once you are in the list of phone book entries you can use
u or d to
scroll through the positions, or enter a position number or a letter to go to a
certain entry.
You can call the phone numbers that you have saved in positions 1–9 in the
memory by entering the position number and then pressing
1. Enter the number 3.
2. Press
YES to make the call.
You may need to change the names and numbers in the phone book from time
to time. You may also want to change the position number of an entry.
Editing a Phone Number In the Phone Book
either the stored position or the name. See “Calling a Number Saved In the
Phone Book” on page 29.
Speed Dialing
Keeping the Phone Book Up to Date