Security for Your Phone and Subscription 61
To cancel all call restrictions
1. Scroll to
, YES,
Call Options
, YES,
, YES,
Cancel all
, YES.
2. Enter your password and press
The message
appears, followed by a message confirming that all
call restrictions have been cancelled.
To check the status of a call restriction
1. Scroll to
, YES,
Call Options
, YES,
, YES.
2. Scroll to the option you want and press
3. Select
Get status
The message
appears,followedby amessage which informs you
whether the call restriction is on or not.
To change the password
1. Scroll to
, YES,
Call Options
, YES,
, YES,
New password
, YES.
2. Enter the old (current) password and press
3. Enter the new password and press
4. Enter the new password a second time and press
The message
Please wait
appears,followed bya message confirming that the
password has been changed.
Fixed Dialing is a way of restricting outgoing calls. It requires a SIM card that
allows fixed numbers to be saved. The fixednumbers are normally protectedby
your PIN2. How many fixed numbers you can save depends on your SIM card.
The Fixed Dialing function allows calls to be made only to certain numbers
saved on the SIM card. If an attempt is made to call other numbers, the
message Number not permitted appears in the display.
It is possible to save partial numbers, for example an area code, or an area
code followed by the first digits common to several numbers. Storing
0123456 allows calls to be made to all numbers starting with 0123456.
Numbers beginning with the international (+) sign and country code can also
be saved, allowing you to make calls abroad.
Numbers which include question marks can be saved. Aquestion mark should
be read as a wild card, i.e. it can represent any number (0-9). To enter a
Note! The Fixed Dialing service does not prohibit calls to the international
emergency number 112 (or 911 in the Americas).
Fixed Dialing