24 Making and Answering Calls
Setting up voicemail
Before your phone can record voicemail messages, you must set up a
password and record a personal greeting. When you have set up your
voicemail, all unanswered calls to your phone are automatically transferred
to voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned off.
1. From the home screen, press and hold .
Note: If you are having trouble accessing your voicemail, contact your
service provider.
2. Follow the system prompts to create a password and record a greeting.
Checking voicemail messages
All voicemail messages are stored in a place designated by your service
provider. When a voice message is received, your screen will display text
similar to: “New Message 1 Voicemail.” This text will remain for about five
minutes. After that, look for the symbol at the top of your screen. The
symbol flashes if the message is Urgent.