18 Making and Answering Calls
• To answer the call, press .
• If you do not wish to answer the call, Silence or Ignore and press . Silence
mutes the ringer. Ignore mutes the ringer and returns you to the screen that
was active at the time the call came in. Both actions will send the caller to
voicemail if you do not pick up the call.
• To place the caller on hold momentarily until you can answer the call, press
Hold. This will play a recorded message from you telling the caller he/she is
on hold.
Note: Before you can place calls on hold, you must first record a message and
enable the Hold Call feature. See “Setting the phone to hold calls” on
page 18.
Answering calls hands-Free
If your phone is attached to an accessory such as a hands-free car kit or
hands-free headset (sold separately), you can use a voice command to answer
incoming calls. See “Using voice features with accessories” on page 96.
Setting the phone to hold calls
The Hold Call setting allows you to place incoming calls on hold until you are
ready to answer them.
To enable your phone to place calls on hold: