LG GM750 | User Guide
Select Office Mobile in the
UTILITIES tab, then choose Excel
Mobile and open the worksheet.
Tap View > Zoom and select
a percentage so that you can
easily read the worksheet.
Unsupported features in Excel
Excel Mobile does not fully support
some features such as formulas
and cell comments. Some data and
formatting may be lost when you
save the worksheet on your device.
PowerPoint Mobile
With PowerPoint Mobile, you
can open and view slide show
presentations created on your PC
in *.ppt and *.pps format.
Many presentation elements built
into the slide shows - such as slide
transitions and animations - will
play back on the device. If the
presentation is set up as a timed
slide show, one slide will move to
the next automatically. Links to
URLs are also supported.
To start a slide show presentation
From the Home Screen select
then scroll through Office
Mobile in the UTILITIES tab and
select PowerPointMobile.
In the presentation list, tap the
slide show you wish to view.
Tap the current slide to move to
the next one.
If the presentation is set up as a
timed slide show, slides will move
on automatically.
To stop a slide show
• In a PowerPoint Mobile
presentation, tap and End
To navigate between slides
You can move to the next slide
if a presentation is not set up as