
Save the current web page as a bookmark
While browsing, select Options > Web page options > Save as bookmark.
Edit or delete bookmarks
Select Options > Bookmark manager.
Send or add a bookmark, or set a bookmarked web page as the homepage
Select Options > Bookmark options.
From the toolbar, select from the following:
Add bookmark — Add a new bookmark.
Go to web address — Enter a new web address.
Delete — Delete a bookmark.
Empty the cache
Emptying the cache memory helps you keep your data secure.
Select Options > Clear privacy data > Cache.
A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have tried
to access or have accessed confidential information requiring passwords, empty the
cache after each use. The information or services you have accessed are stored in
the cache.
Connection security
If the security indicator (
) is displayed during a connection, the data transmission
between the device and the internet gateway or server is encrypted.
The security icon does not indicate that the data transmission between the gateway
and the content server (where the data is stored) is secure. The service provider
secures the data transmission between the gateway and the content server.
144 Web browser