Download podcasts
After you have subscribed to a podcast, you can download, play, and manage the
podcast episodes.
Select Menu > Music > Podcasting.
View a list of subscribed podcasts
Select Podcasts.
View individual episode titles
Select the podcast title.
An episode is a particular media file of a podcast.
Start a download
Select the episode title.
You can download multiple episodes at the same time.
Start playing a podcast before the download is complete
Go to a podcast, and select Options > Play preview.
Successfully downloaded podcasts are stored in the Podcasts folder, but may not
be displayed immediately.
Listen to the radio
Select Menu > Music > Radio.
The FM radio depends on an antenna other than the wireless device antenna. A
compatible headset or accessory needs to be attached to the device for the FM radio
to function properly.
When you open the application for the first time, you can choose to have the local
stations tuned automatically.
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