
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To move the text part to the top or bottom of the message, press Options
and select Text on top or Text on bottom.
To insert a business card or a calendar note for sending it to a compatible
device, press Options and select Insert and the desired option.
To insert a name from the contacts list, press Options and select More
options, Insert contact and the desired name.
To insert a number from the contacts list, press Options and select More
options and Insert number.
To delete an image, slide or sound clip from the message, press Options and
select Delete and the desired function.
To save the message in the Saved items folder, press Options and select
Save message.
To add a subject to the message, press Options and select More options and
Edit subject.
To view for example the size or recipient of the message, press Options and
select More options and Message details.
To view the message or slide presentation before sending it, press Options
and select Preview.
3. To send the message, press Options and select Send to number (or Send to e-
mail or Send to many).
Tip: You can send the message to a phone number also by pressing .