Nokia 6310i Cell Phone User Manual

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Bluetooth device name
Bluetooth device names help you to distinguish one Bluetooth device or
accessory from another. When the user activates the Bluetooth module
for the first time, the phone asks for the Bluetooth device name of your
phone by showing Enter name: You can accept the default name or
change it. The name can be up to 15 characters. After you have created a
name, Name saved is shown.
Note: Enter name does not appear after you have already
changed the name of the device in Bluetooth settings before the
first activation of Bluetooth. To change the name after the first
activation, see “My phone’s name” on page 77.
Pairing with Bluetooth passcode
To create a secure connection, you may need to exchange Bluetooth
passcodes with the device you are connecting to for the first time. This
operation is called pairing. The Bluetooth passcode is a 1 to 16 character-
long numeric code. Accessories, as well as data and fax connections to a
compatible computer, require a pairing. Nokia accessories have fixed
passcodes that are supplied with the accessory.
Note: When forming a Bluetooth connection to a non-Nokia
device, the other device may not require a passcode before you can
pair with it. However, your Nokia phone requires a password on all
pairings. In instances such as these, create a simple passcode (e.g.
123). This passcode is used only once and you do not have to
memorize it. If you need to create the pairing between the two
Bluetooth devices again, you can make up a new code.
1 Press Menu 11-2 (Bluetooth - Search for audio accessories).
Once selected, the phone searches for devices and accessories. Devices
responding to the inquiry appear on a list of Bluetooth accessories, one
by one, starting from the device found first. The phone shows the device
found last on the bottom of the list. To end the inquiry, press