3. To enter the subject for a multimedia, or e-mail message, scroll down to the
Subject field. If the subject field is not visible for a multimedia message, select
Options > Message header fields, mark Subject, and select OK.
4. Scroll down to the message field and enter the message content.
When you write a text message, the message length indicator shows how
many characters you can enter in the message. For example, 10 (2) means
that you can still add 10 characters for the text to be sent as a series of two
text messages.
To insert an object, such as an image, video clip, note, or a business card, to a
multimedia, or e-mail message, press the scroll key, and select Insert content.
To record a new sound clip for an audio message, select Record. To use
a previously recorded sound clip, select Options > Insert sound clip >
From Gallery.
5. To send the message, select Options > Send.
■ Inbox
Inbox contains received messages except e-mail and cell broadcast messages. To
read received messages, select > Messaging > Inbox and the message.
To view the list of media objects that are included in the multimedia message,
open the message, and select Options > Objects.
Your device can receive many kinds of messages, such as operator logos, business
cards, calendar entries, and ringing tones. You can save the special message
content to your device. For example, to save a received calendar entry to the
calendar, select Options > Save to Calendar.
The appearance of a message may vary depending on the receiving device.
■ Service messages
Service messages (network service) are notifications that may contain a text
message or the address of a browser service.
To define whether service messages are enabled and whether the messages are
downloaded automatically, select > Messaging > Options > Settings >
Service message.
■ E-mail
When you create a new mailbox, the name you give to the mailbox replaces New
mailbox. You can have up to six mailboxes.