
View location details
Find more information about a specific location or place, such as a hotel or restaurant,
if available.
Select Menu > Maps and Map > Search.
The available options may vary by region. To view all the available place details, you
need an active internet connection.
View the details of a place
Search for a place. Select the place and its information area.
Rate a place
Search for a place. Select the place, its information area, Rate, and the star rating. For
example, to rate a place as being 3 out of 5 stars, select the third star.
When you find a place that does not exist or contains inappropriate information or
incorrect details, such as the wrong contact information or location, it is recommended
that you report it to Nokia.
Report incorrect place information
Select the place, its information area, Report, and the appropriate option.
Save or view a place or route
Save an address, place of interest, or route, so it can be quickly used later.
Select Menu > Maps.
Save a place
1 Select Map.
2 Tap the location. To search for an address or place, select Search.
3 Tap the location's information area.
4 Select Save.
Save a route
1 Select Map.
2 Tap the location. To search for an address or place, select Search.
3 Tap the location's information area.
4 To add another route point, select Navigate > Add to Route.
5 Select Add new route point and the appropriate option.
Maps 91