Nokia PM 3205 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 3B: Sprint PCS Vision 157
Using Sprint PCS Short Mail
With Sprint PCS Short Mail, you can use a person’s wireless phone
number to send instant text messages from your Sprint PCS Vision
Phone to their messaging-ready phone—and they can send messages
to you. When you receive a new message, you’ll automatically be
notified with a one-way text message.
In addition, Sprint PCS Short Mail includes a variety of preset
messages, such as “I’m running late, I’m on my way,” that make
composing messages fast and easy. You can also customize your own
preset messages (up to 100 characters) from your Sprint PCS Vision
Phone or at
Creating a Short List
You can add frequently contacted recipients to your Short List. Then
when you compose Sprint PCS Short Mails, you can select them
from a convenient list.
To add someone to your short list:
1. From the Vision Home page, scroll to Messaging and press Select.
Messaging Page
2. Scroll to Short Mail and press Select.
3. Scroll to Settings and press Select.
4. Scroll to Edit Short List and press Select.
5. To add a new name, scroll to Add new name, press Select,
type in an alias (a nickname for the sender), their first name,
last name, and phone number.
6. Scroll to Save and press Select.
Press the key to select the character input mode to enter
the recipient’s phone number. Press the key again to return to the
character input mode.