Sharp OMPB10ZU Cell Phone User Manual

ONE User Guide - R1.0 - April 21, 2010 153
add to Now Playing playlist 107
remove all from playlist 107
sort order
photos and videos in Albums 93
change for ringer and new messages 30
set an alarm sound 115
set for incoming call (ringer) 35
set for new message 35
set for new voicemail 35
set notifications 35
settings 35
turn system sounds on/off 35
turn vibrate on/off 35
sound profile
change 27
use during a call 57
special character
insert in text box 16
special characters
how to insert 17
specifications, for camera 81
about 20, 23
add items 14
drag photo 89
drag photo or video 91, 93
how to add items 23
items you can add 23
remove items 24
share items 23
why it changes appearance 23
stations, FM
tune in 111
update from contact card 50
status icons
display on Dashboard 20
status messages
comment on 19
limit on length 21
update yours on Loop Home screen 21
for music and videos 114
stories, read a feed story 67
streaming music 114
about 39
back up photos and videos 81
system requirements 40
subscribe to feeds 62, 64
swap calls 57
Symbol key 15
contacts 51
days of email to download 74
email account 70
media to your phone 105
photos and videos to the Studio 81, 94
schedule for email 73
set to be automatic 39
sync now 39
system requirements, Studio 40
system sounds
turn on/off 35
tap gesture 12
indicator when on 27