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Your interactive flat panel includes two 10 W integrated front-firing speakers for presenting audio from
connected input sources.
SMART software
You can install the following SMART software on the computers connected to your interactive flat
panel to take full advantage of the interactive flat panel’s features:
Software Description
SMARTProductDrivers SMARTProductDrivers enables connected computers to detect
input from your interactive flat panel.
SMARTInk™ SMARTInk enables you to write and draw in digital ink over open
applications, files, folders, websites and any other open window on
your computer. When you write outside the open windows on your
computer, a SMARTInk Note appears and you can write inside the
When you open an application that has its own ink tools, you can turn
off SMARTInk, and then use the application’s ink tools to write in the
SMARTMeetingPro software enables you to use your interactive
flat panel in a meeting room.
You can write or draw on a digital whiteboard, present content on
your desktop and connect to individuals and other meeting rooms
using integrated conferencing software.