ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
208 C
Configuring Event Transmission
A Cuda 12000 can generate a significant volume of events in a short period
of time. The Cuda 12000 manages event transmission in compliance with
DOCSIS 1.1 standards.
To avoid flooding the syslog server and network management stations with
events, you can control the pace of event transmission by configuring these
Table 10-1 Event Transmission Parameters
Parameter Description
Event Threshold Number of events that the Cuda 12000 may generate per
event interval before throttling occurs. Throttling is the
process of eliminating excessive events. Note that an
event causing both a trap and a syslog message is still
treated as a single event. Values range from 0 to
4294967295. The default is 0.
Event Interval The interval, in seconds, over which the event threshold
applies. For example, if you configure an event threshold
of 20 and an event interval of 40 seconds, then the Cuda
12000 may generate 20 events over 40 seconds before
throttling occurs. Values range from 0 seconds to
2147483647 seconds. The default is 1.
Controls the transmission of traps and syslog messages
with respect to the event threshold. Specify one of these
administrative status values:
■ unconstrained (default) — The Cuda 12000 transmits
traps and syslog messages without regard to the event
threshold and interval settings.
■ maintainBelowThreshold — The Cuda 12000
suppresses traps and syslog messages if the number of
events exceeds the threshold. The Cuda 12000
resumes transmitting traps and syslog messages when
the number of events drops below the threshold.
■ stopAtThreshold — The Cuda 12000 stops trap and
syslog message transmissions at the threshold. To
resume trap and syslog message transmission, you
must reset the threshold.
■ inhibited – The Cuda 12000 suppresses all trap
transmissions and syslog messages.