
ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
528 C
Cable Modem and MTA Command Output Descriptions
Table 21-4 docsIfCmMacTable Parameters
Table 21-5 docsIfCMServiceTable Parameters
CLI Output Description
docsIfCmCmtsAddress MAC address of the CMTS that is believed to
control this MAC domain. At the cable
modem, this the source address from the
SYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages.
If the CMTS is unknown, this value is
docsIfCmCapabilites Capabilities of the MAC implementation at
this interface.
docsIfCmRangingRespTimeout Waiting time for a ranging response packet.
docsIfCmRangngTimeout Waiting time for a ranging timeout packet.
CLI Output Description
docsIfCmServiceQoSProfile Indicates the QoS attributes that associate with
this particular service. A value of zero indicates
no associated profile.
docsIfCmServiceTXSlotsImme Number of upstream mini-slots that were used
to transmit data PDUs in immediate contention
mode. This includes only PDUs that are
presumed to have arrived at the headend. It
does not include re-transmission attempts or
mini-slots used by Requests.
docsIfCmServiceTx SlotsDed Number of upstream mini-slots that are used to
transmit data PDUs in dedicated mode. For
example, as a result of a unicast data grant.
dosIfCmServiceTXRetries Number of attempts to transmit data PDUs
containing requests for acknowledgement that
did not result in acknowledgement.
docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs Number of data PDUs transmission failures due
to excessive retries without acknowledgement.
docsIfCmServiceRqRetries Number of attempts to transmit bandwidth
requests that did not result in