ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
496 C
Configuring Filter Groups
Configuring filter groups on the Cuda 12000 involves defining the right
source matching criteria.
You can configure up to 60 global filter groups. Each filter group may
contain up to 40 matching criteria rules (filters).
Before you configure the matching criteria for Subscriber Management filter
groups, keep in mind that you may use Subscriber Management filter groups
in addition to the IP packet filtering system, which is the default filtering
system on the Cuda 12000. The IP packet filtering system and Subscriber
Management filters operate in serial fashion. If either the Subscriber
Management filters or the IP packet filtering system denies the packet, then
the packet is dropped. For example:
■ If your network is configured to use both IP packet filtering and
Subscriber Management filters, the packet is first filtered through the IP
packet filtering matching criteria.
■ If IP packet filtering denies the packet, the packet is dropped and is not
■ If the packet is accepted by IP packet filtering, the packet is filtered
through the Subscriber Management filter.
■ If the Subscriber Management filter denies the packet, the packet is
■ If the packet is accepted by the Subscriber Management filter, the packet
is forwarded.
For detail information about the IP packet filtering system, refer to
Chapter 15, IP Packet Filtering beginning on page 327.
The following table lists the matching criteria parameters that you configure
to assign global Subscriber Management filter groups on the Cuda 12000: