
ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
530 C
Table 21-7 docsIfDownstreamChannelTable
CLI Output Description
docsIfDownChannelID CMTS identification of the downstream
channel within this particular MAC interface.
If the interface is down, the most current
value displays. If the channel ID is unknown, a
value of zero displays.
docsIfDownChannelFrequency Center of the downstream frequency, in
hertz, associated with this channel. This
object returns the current tuner frequency. If
a CMTS provides IF output, a value of zero
displays unless the CMTS is in control of the
final downstream RF frequency.
docsIfDownChannelWidth Bandwidth, in hertz, of this downstream
docsIfDownChannelModulation Modulation type for this downstream
channel. If the interface is down, this object
either returns the configured value from the
CMTS, the most current value from the cable
modem, or a value of unknown. The options
are: unknown, other, qam64, or qam256.
docsIfDownChannelInterleave Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving
for this downstream channel.
docsIfDownChannelPower At the CMTS, the operational transmit power.
At the cable modem, the received power
level. You can set this parameter to zero at
the cable modem is power level management
is not supported. If the interface is down, the
value is either the value configured at the
CMTS, the most current value from the cable
modem, or a value of zero.
docsIfDownChannelAnnex MIB browsing for this field is not supported in
this release.