
ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
476 C
Grants Per Interval Number of data grants per nominal grant interval,
on only an upstream flow. Grants Per Interval does
not apply to downstream flows.
TOS AND Mask Specifies the AND mask for IP TOS byte overwrite,
on only an upstream flow. TOS AND Mask does not
apply to downstream flows.
TOS OR Mask Specifies the OR mask for IP TOS byte overwrite, on
only an upstream flow. TOS OR Mask does not apply
to downstream flows.
Max Latency (usecs) Maximum latency between the reception of a
packet by the CMTS on its network side interface
(NSI) and the forwarding of the packet to the RF
interface. A value of zero indicates no maximum
latency. This parameter only applies to downstream
Service Flows.
Request Policy Octets Indicates the transmit interval opportunities the
cable modem uses for upstream transmission
requests. In addition, Request Policy Octets specifies
if fragmentation concatenation and PHS are
allowed, on only an upstream flow. Request Policy
Octets does not apply to downstream flows.
Bit Map Indicates the set of QoS parameters actually signaled
in the DOCSIS registration or dynamic service
request message that created the QoS parameter
Parameter Description