ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
556 C
Table 21-22 pktcMtaDevServerTable Parameters
CLI Output Description
Boot State The state of the server. The options are:
■ Operational: Device is done loading and
processing configuration parameters, and the
CMTS has completed the registration exchange.
■ Disabled: Device was administratively disabled,
possibly by being refused network access in the
configuration file.
■ waiting for Dhcp Offer: DHCP discover has been
transmitted and no offer has been received.
■ Waiting for Dhcp Response: DHCP request has
been trasmitted and no response has yet been
■ Waiting For Config: Request for configuration
server has been made and no response received.
■ Refused by CMTS: Registration request/response
exchanged with the CMTS failed.
■ Other: Other reason besides those listed above.
■ Unknown: The state is unknown.
DHCP Server IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of
the DHCP server that assigned an address to this
device. This value is if the DHCP derver is
not used for the IP assignment address.
Primary DNS Server IP address for FQDN of the primary DNS server that
resolved an IP address for this device.
Secondary DNS Server IP address or FQDN of the secondary DNS server
that resolved an IP address for this device.
Configuration File URL of the TFTP/HTTP file for downloading
provisioning and configuration parameters to this
device. This is a value of null is the server address is
SNMP Entity IP address or FQDN of the SNMP entity for
provisioning trap handling that assigned an IP
address to this device. This value is if DHCP
was not used for IP address assignment.