ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
210 C
Event Reporting
Each Cuda 12000 event belongs to one of eight event classes. An event class
defines the severity of the event. You can configure each event class to be
sent through a subset of reporting mechanisms (trap, syslog, or local event
log). To do this, you specify:
■ An event class
■ How you want events in that class to be reported
Event Classes
Event classes are ordered from most critical (emergency) to least critical
(debug). The following table lists the event classes, in priority order:
Table 10-2 Event Classes
Event Class Description
Emergency Indicates hardware- or software-related
problems with DOCSIS or EuroDOCSIS modules.
Prevents CMTS operation.
Alert Indicates a serious failure that causes the Cuda
12000 to reboot.
Critical Indicates a serious failure that requires attention
and prevents the device from transmitting data.
Failure may be resolved without a system
Error Indicates a failure occurred that could interrupt
the normal data flow.
Warning Indicates a failure occurred that could interrupt
the normal data flow. (This failure is not as
severe as reported for Error events.)
Notice Indicates an event that requires attention, but is
not a failure.
Information Indicates an event that may be helpful for
tracing normal operation. Informational events
do not report failures.
Debug An event used for only debugging purposes.