ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
398 C
Example Procedure of Upstream Configuration
The following procedure steps you through the process of configuring
upstream channel 1. An upstream configuration example for a DOCSIS cable
interface follows. The process is similar for the remaining upstream channels.
Task Command
1. View a list of DOCSIS
interfaces that you have
installed on your chassis.
show topology | include docs
2. Enter configuration mode
for the DOCSIS interface
that you want to configure.
interface <c/s/i>
3. Display the current
configuration for the
upstream channel that you
want to configure.
show interface cable <c/s/i> upstream
[<port number>]
4. Set the channel status for
the specified upstream
■ upstream <port number> no shutdown
(Sets the upstream channel status to up.)
■ upstream <port number> shutdown
(Sets the upstream channel status to down.)
5. Set the data backoff for the
upstream channel. Valid
values:0 –15.
upstream <port number> data-backoff
<start-number> <end-number>
6. Set the range backoff for
the selected upstream
channel. Valid values:
0 – 15.
upstream <port number> range-backoff
<start-number> <end-number>