Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Configuring Clock Sources 87
A typical configuration would be as follows:
■ Primary clock configured to use a BITS-A or BITS-B external clock source
■ Secondary clock configured to use the internal Stratum-3 oscillator clock
The example at the end of this section illustrates the commands you would
issue to create this typical configuration.
To configure primary and secondary clock sources, perform the following
In this example, the clock source for the primary clock is BITS-A, and the
clock source for the secondary clock is the internal Stratum 3 oscillator.
cli: aux-device backplane-clock-a bits-a
cli: aux-device backplane-clock-b internal
cli: show aux-device backplane-clocks
Stratum-3 oscillator Installed
Backplane clock A source bitsA
Backplane clock B source internal
Task Command
1. Enter root mode. root
2. Configure the clock source for the
primary clock.
aux-device backplane-clock-a
{bits-a | bits-b | internal | none |
slot <c/s> {enable | disable}}
Note that the slot <c/s> {enable |
disable} argument configures a POS
module as the clock source. The <c/s>
variable specifies the POS module’s slot.
Specify the enable keyword to enable
the POS module as a clock source;
specify the disable keyword to disable
the POS module as a clock source.
3. Configure the clock source for the
secondary clock.
aux-device backplane-clock-b
{bits-a | bits-b | internal | none |
slot <c/s> {enable | disable}}
4. Verify primary and secondary
clock sources.
show aux-device backplane-clocks