Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Displaying the Event Log 219
root# show event-log
row count: 133
Index First Time Last Time Counts Level ID Text
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 2000-12-31 2000-12-31 1 critical 2147483652 CMTS/CM
,21:1:40.0 ,21:1:40.0 Down -
,455:0 ,455:0 ifIndex =
2 2000-12-31 2000-12-31 1 critical 2147483649 Card Down
,21:31:40. ,21:31:40. - 1/1/1
0,455:0 0,455:0
3 2001-1-1,1 2001-3-6,1 1264 critical 2147483652 CMTS/CM
:20:0.0,45 :26:40.0,4 Down -
5:0 55:0 ifIndex =
4 2000-12-31 2000-12-31 2 critical 2147483652 CMTS/CM
,19:28:20. ,19:28:20. Down -
0,455:0 0,455:0 ifIndex =
5 2000-12-31 2000-12-31 5 critical 2147483652 CMTS/CM
,19:36:40. ,23:46:40. Down -
0,455:0 0,455:0 ifIndex =
ID An internal event identifier. The Text field describes the
event associated with this identifier.
Text Brief description of the event.
Field Description