ANI and II-Digits Routing
7-8 Issue 4 September 1995
Figure 7-4. II-Digits Routing Example
In this vector, step 1 routes calls with no associated ii-digits to extension 1232.
Steps 2 through 8 route calls with different ii-digits to different extensions.
1. goto step 9 if ii-digits = none
2. goto step 10 if ii-digits = 00
3. goto step 11 if ii-digits = 01
4. goto step 12 if ii-digits = 06
5. goto step 13 if ii-digits = 07
6. goto step 13 if ii-digits = 29
7. goto step 14 if ii-digits = 27
8. goto step 15 if ii-digits = 61
9. route-to number 1232 with cov n if unconditionally
10. route-to number 1246 with cov n if unconditionally
11. route-to number 1267 with cov n if unconditionally
12. route-to number 1298 with cov n if unconditionally
13. route-to number 1255 with cov n if unconditionally
14. route-to number 1298 with cov n if unconditionally
15. route-to number 1254 with cov n if unconditionally