Tracking Unexpected Vector Events
Issue 4 September 1995
Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
Event Event Event
Type Description Explanation
1 Call dropped; call not queued
Vector processing ended without the call
being queued to a split and, as a result,
the call cannot be answered. This implies
that some default condition was not
programmed or that the vector was
designed to not always answer the call.
Also, call was subsequently dropped.
2 Vector with no steps The call encountered a vector with no
steps administered.
3 1,000 step executed This can occur due to the following:
■ Incorrect vector programming (for
example, including a series of
steps that point to one another)
■ Excessive repetition of a programmed
loop during a single call (for example,
recurring announcement-wait loop)
4 Administration change The administration of this step occurred
while the step was being executed. The
call flow for this call is unpredictable.
Vectors should not be changed while calls
are active.
5 Call dropped by vector
disconnect timer
The call was still in vector processing
when the vector disconnect timer expired.
The call dropped.
10 Retrying announcement During an
step, a
step that contains an
announcement, or a
step, the
announcement was not available, and the
announcement queue (if specified) was
full. The step is retried at regular intervals.