Vector Exercises
Issue 4 September 1995
Figure 11-14. Example 7C: Call-Back Provisions
After the number is dialed, the call is directed to VDN 3333, which points to
Vector 3. Note there are no Skill Preferences assigned to VDN 3333. Also, VDN
3333 is the only VDN administered to point to Vector 3. Therefore, this VDN is
used for calls from all states.
collect digits
command in Step 2 of the previous vector first requests the
caller to enter his or her 5-digit reservation number and then collects the digits.
Once the digits are collected, the
adjunct routing
command (if successful) in
Step 3 causes the switch to send the collected digits (along with other
information) to the host in the ASAI adjunct routing request. The host then uses
these digits to perform a database lookup for the agent who made the
reservation and the resort corresponding to the reservation. If the agent is
currently logged in, the call is automatically routed to the agent. Once this
happens, information on the relevant reservation is displayed at the agent’s data
terminal, thus providing quicker and more personal service. On the other hand, if
the agent is not logged in, the call is routed to Step 5, where the
route to
command unconditionally routes the call to the VRU VDN 3111 (discussed in the
"General Number Dialing" section’).
Vector Exercises
This section presents several typical business world scenarios involving
telephone usage, and it shows how to write one or more vectors to handle each
of these scenarios.
Note that the vectors presented here are intended to be ‘‘suggested solutions.’’
The customer should take into account his or her requirements and budget in
selecting and/or writing vectors.
VDN 3333
Skill Pref 1: none
Skill Pref 2:
Skill Pref 3:
Call back
Vector 3:
1. wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
2. collect 5 digits after announcement
4000 (‘‘Please dial your 5-digit reservation
3. adjunct routing link 1111
4. wait-time 10 secs hearing ringback
5. route-to number 3111 with cov n if
unconditionally (VRU VDN)
No reservation
Go prompt for state
State’s VDN
if agent unstaffed
Agent or