Issue 4 September 1995 GL-1
See Automatic Call Distribution.
ACD split
A MIA/DDC hunt group in a system where ACD has been optioned by the customer and where
the hunt group has been administered as used for ACD.
active call
A call to a VDN that is still active in the switch or tandemed through the switch. The call remains
active until the call is released.
active VDN
The active VDN is the called VDN as determined by VDN Override. The active VDN would be
displayed to an answering agent if delivered at this time. If the previous VDN has override set to y,
the routed to VDN becomes the active VDN. The active VDN is also called the VDN of record.
adjunct processor
A processor that performs one or more tasks for another processor (for example, a switch).
After-Call work mode
An ACD agent work mode that makes the agent unavailable to receive any ACD calls for any split.
This mode is used when the agent is doing ACD call-related work.
A member of a hunt group or split.
Agent LoginID
The digits dialed in the agent login procedure to identify the agent. With the logical agent
capability, these digits must be part of the extension numbering plan and they are administered
using the ‘Agent LoginID’ form.
agent skill
An attribute that is assigned to an ACD Agent LoginID. Agents can be assigned up to four skills.
The skills indicate the type of calls an agent can handle.
See Automatic Message Waiting Lamp (AMWL).
See Automatic Number Identification (ANI).
A pre-recorded message that may give a caller information about the status of the call or other
important items.
answer supervision
A signal set by a terminating communication system to an originating communications system —
or immediate charging point, such as a central office (CO) switch — indicating that an incoming
call has been answered. On receiving this signal, the originating system or other charging point
begins tracking charges for the call, if charges apply.