Issue 4 September 1995 I-1
Security Issues
There are a number of security issues vis-a-vis Call Vectoring that should be
noted. For example, Call Vectoring and Call Prompting can be used to help
prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to the switch via the Remote
Access feature. This appendix explains how this is done.
For more information on security issues, refer to the
GBCS Products
Security Handbook
, 555-025-600.
Remote Access
Abuse of remote access on the switch is one of the main methods by which
unauthorized users obtain telephone services illegally. This section explains how
a number of Call Vectoring features can be used to prevent unauthorized use of
the DEFINITY remote access feature. No new development is required for any of
these services.
Two methods are available, as follows:
■ Front-ending remote access (that is, reaching the remote access
extension via Call Vectoring)
■ Replacing the function of the remote access extension by one or more call