Converting a Call Center to EAS
K-2 Issue 4 September 1995
Once these decisions are made, the pre-EAS cutover administration activities
can be started in preparation for the conversion of the call center to EAS.
Even though EAS administration changes are being made, non-EAS ACD
call handling and agent operations are unaffected. When the cutover to
EAS is completed, all non-EAS ACD call handling and agent operations will
Step 1: Pre-EAS Cutover
Administration for the G3V2 (or later)
Perform the following activities to prepare the G3V2 (or later) switch for the
cutover to EAS:
1. At administration terminal display the System-Parameters Customer-
Options form and verify that the G3 version is V2 or later and that ACD,
Expert Agent Selection?, and Vectoring (Basic) fields are set to y.
2. If you haven’t already done so, display the Feature Access Code form and
administer the ACD Agent Feature Access Codes (for example, ‘‘Login,’’
‘‘Logout,’’ and ‘‘Auto-In’’) as required for call center agent operations.
3. Using the CDR System Parameters form, administer whether the EAS
loginID, or the terminal extension where the EAS agent is logged in,
should appear on CDR reports by setting the Agent Login ID - Record?
field to y or n, respectively. This field affects the CDR tracking for incoming
calls only; outgoing calls made by a logged-in EAS agent are always
recorded by CDR using the agent’s loginID.
4. If new VDNs are desired for the EAS environment, using the VDN
administration form, administer the VDN Skills and other VDN information
for the VDNs used to route calls to EAS agents. If the ‘‘1st,’’ ‘‘2nd,’’ and/or
‘‘3rd’’ skill options are to be used in the vectors or for CMS tracking
associated with these VDNs, then administer the 1st Skill, 2nd Skill, and
3rd Skill fields as required.
5. If new vectors are desired for the EAS environment, using the Vector
administration form, administer the vectors associated with the VDNs
added in the previous step. As part of the EAS feature, the ‘‘1st,’’ ‘‘2nd,’’ or
‘‘3rd’’ skill options may be used in the vector step fields where a skill hunt
group is entered (rather than entering an absolute skill hunt group
number). Refer to Chapter 10, "Expert Agent Selection" for more
information concerning vector programming for the EAS feature.
6. If new skill hunt groups are required, using the Hunt Group administration
form, administer the desired skill hunt groups.