Issue 4 September 1995 1-1
About This Document
Feature Availability
Call Vectoring is available with all Generic 3 releases. Many of the features
discussed in this manual are only available with later releases of the DEFINITY
switch. Some are optional features and must be purchased separately. See
Appendix L for information about the availability of Call Vectoring features.
What is Call Vectoring?
Sample vectors are provided throughout this manual. These vectors are
designed to illustrate vectoring features and capabilities. Because they are
simplified to clearly demonstrate specific features, they are not complete
and should not be used without modification at your call center.
Call Vectoring provides DEFINITY Generic 3 users with a highly flexible
approach for managing incoming call traffic to the DEFINITY Generic 3 switch.
By using a series of user-defined commands, you can direct or route internal and
network calls as desired and thereby determine how these calls are processed.
Calls can be directed to on- or off-network destinations, to Automatic Call
Distribution (ACD) agents, or to various treatments.Call Vectoring also can be
used in conjunction with CallVisor ASAI.